Nov 23 4 mins, 15 secs read

Employee Suggestions and Feedback at Work Place: Are Your Employees Brave?

Employee suggestions should be solicited and encouraged through a system with follow-ups. By Peg Ayers Not everyone ...

Nov 23 3 mins, 37 secs read

Preparing Your Contact Center for the Age of Virtual Agents

Contact center virtual agents work from home, remote work, or use hybrid work model are helped by automation, voice bots...

Nov 23 5 mins, 49 secs read

The Importance of Human Connection in Call Centers in the Age of Remote Working

Creating human community and human connection for call centers workforce using remote working, Work from home (WFH) or h...

Nov 23 6 mins, 40 secs read

QA Monitoring (Quality Assurance) for Performances of Both a Contact Center and Its Agents

QA monitoring at the director level is about the overall performance, but as a supervisor or from the lead perspective i...

Nov 23 9 mins, 8 secs read

First Call Resolution: How to Define, Measure, and Improve FCR

The first steps are to develop an appropriate definition, measurements and analysis of call handling in order to quantif...

Nov 22 3 mins, 54 secs read

Service Level Metrics is Specific to Each Contact Center

Service level is specific to each contact center: what is appropriate for one organization at 80-20 may be appropriate f...

Nov 22 4 mins, 21 secs read

Leadership Soft Skills: Remember Names Can Go a Long Way

People skills, or soft skills are important tools for leadership, one of them is to remember names with visual and menta...

Nov 22 9 mins, 53 secs read

Team Strategies for a High-Performance Contact Center

To grow a high performance customer experience contact center or team, leadership strategies for team building, teamwork...