Employee engagement, virtually or in person, in best interests of all the stakeholders: customers, employees and the o...
CX improvement at call centers with mapping customer journey touch points & root cause analysis results in reduction...
Measure customer experience, then make it actionable as a team effort among CX leadership, front-line staff, suppliers a...
Why capping AHT and agents' wages would be two big mistakes for managing contact centers, leading to attrition and failu...
Contact Center Staff Management: Employee Engagement, Training Programs, and Trying New ESAT & CSAT Measures. by JD...
Employee motivation and incentives for improving contact center customer experience: intrinsic and extrinsic motivation,...
CSAT (Customer Satisfaction) and customer retention are the best internal metrics of quality assurance for contact cente...
Best practices or better practices for contact centers: it is a journey of constantly improving customer experience &...