Contact center improvement is an ongoing journey involving all levels. Here are 15 ideas for people, technology, process...
System implementation at contact centers needs careful planning, due diligence, RFP, vendors, project team, manager, &am...
CCaaS (Contact Center as a Service) and the Contact Center Stack of Communication Platform, CRM, LMS, WFM, QM, & Bus...
FCR, an important contact center performance KPI, needs to be measured. FCR analysis helps with FCR problem shooting &am...
A contact center forms a professional partnership with the organization by collecting customers’ input data as an impo...
Employee engagement, virtually or in person, in best interests of all the stakeholders: customers, employees and the o...
CX improvement at call centers with mapping customer journey touch points & root cause analysis results in reduction...
Self service in the age of AI still requires proper planning and purpose-driving adoption of technology to enhance custo...