Colin provided ING Direct Canada with consulting services. He was on budget; on time and the work was outstanding. We needed Colin to fine-tune the work to our specification and this was completed well within our time lines and the work produced was outstanding. I am happy to recommend Colin as he has the following attributes:

  1. Honesty and integrity – “Tells you what you need to hear vs. what you want to hear”
  2. Commits and delivers on time lines
  3. Ensures he completely understands requirements and regularly “check in”
  4. Excellent interpersonal skills
  5. Deep and outstanding knowledge of the Contact Centre industry
  6. Is a trusted resource and one can bounce ideas/thoughts with him
  7. “Rolls up his sleeves” and gets the job done. Nothing is beneath him
  8. Excellent communicator and delivers a message without the nonsense
  9. Really understands the word “partnership”
  10. Finally, more than just a Contact Centre professional; he is a rock sold business person!