Hybrid work model, remote work, WFH require changes in compensation plans in contact centers or call centers in the US t...
A contact center consultant recommends changes in People, Process, Technology and Methodology as CX assessment; to imple...
There are many ways to show employee appreciation to the workforce in customer experience support services, contact cent...
In employee communication, supervisors address employee behaviors for improvement and both parties assume the best inten...
Employee retention for contact centers: what to do and not to do, to retain workforce, reduce attrition, and motivate ca...
The goal of AI is not just to streamline processes but to elevate the overall customer experience, a win-win for both cu...
Post Pandemic continuation of the Work At Home (WAH) and hybrid work models for Contact Centers require secure payment p...
Best-In-Class WFM (workforce management) design & implementation increase both ESAT (employee satisfaction) and CSAT...