Contact center virtual agents work from home, remote work, or use hybrid work model are helped by automation, voice bots...
Creating human community and human connection for call centers workforce using remote working, Work from home (WFH) or h...
QA monitoring at the director level is about the overall performance, but as a supervisor or from the lead perspective i...
The risk in only managing AHT to the average is agents then watch their time and don’t focus on fixing the callers pro...
The first steps are to develop an appropriate definition, measurements and analysis of call handling in order to quantif...
Service level is specific to each contact center: what is appropriate for one organization at 80-20 may be appropriate f...
AI, chatbots, voice bots, RPA, digital transformation, cloud, omni channel, real time analytics... are the contact cente...
Improving customer experience can be done with customer feedback, by listening to customers, talking to customers, askin...