What are the most common metrics used by financial services call centers, to measure and improve performance in customer experience in banking, credit card, credit union, and other financial sectors?  Best practice metrics can make a call or contact center more effective, efficient and improve customer satisfaction.

There has been a shift developing and moving away from tradition call center quantitative metrics towards more qualitative measures. The measures or Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) of a quantitative nature are usually: Service Level, AHT (Average Handle Time), ASA (Average Speed of Answer) etc. The increased use of qualitative measures include: FCR (First Contact Resolution), CSAT (Customer Satisfaction), etc.

What are the financial service call centers actually tracking and surfacing on their dashboard, and including in their scorecards?  In addition to insight in this area, this report also sheds light on progress towards customer centricity and whether having a Chief Customer Officer or Customer Experience Officer actually improves customer focus.

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