As AI technology is being widely adopted across all industries and services, especially in the customer experience support space, we at ApexCX are at the forefront of helping customer-facing companies assess, strategize, design, adopt, implement, iterate, and scale AI.

Developing high quality, safe, and trustworthy CX AI takes vast CX support experience and deep domain expertise. With decades of CX support knowledge and experience, ApexCX consultants work with your organization’s leadership and internal or external AI teams to apply the right-fitting AI tools without over-investing or under-performing, to deliver fast, efficient, personalized, and proactive customer experience at scale.

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Assessment – We research, analyze, and recommend feasible, practical, and cost-efficient AI solutions for specific CX problems or customer-driven opportunities.

At the same time, we present a holistic, long-term view to strategically plan CX AI. We identify cross-organizational dependencies and potential disruption to the organization. We also assess your foundational capabilities, IT infrastructure, data resources, and AI talent.

ApexCX Customer Experience Support Services consult the adoption, design, and implementation of AI in CX, or AI CX, or CX AI, to improve contact centers.

Design – We weave technology with desired business outcomes and customer experience in designing the right AI tools. We collaborate with AI talent to develop AI models and applications, set metrics around the problems to be solved, as well as evaluation frameworks.

The available AI tools include chatbots, Gen AI, NLP, ML, DL, LLM, SLM, cognitive computing, as well as future integrated AI with AR, VR, IoT, and future AI agents.

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Implementation – We guide and help you develop pilot initiatives, establish processes to gather feedback from frontline agents and customers, and refine AI prototypes with every iteration using customized metrics and frameworks for different use cases.

When your CX AI is ready to scale, we continue to monitor and measure every step of the customer experience with customer service data. With speed, security, and always CSAT, we together deploy and incrementally scale AI to achieve advanced, interaction-centric customer experience, and a human-centered CX workplace.

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